We are so blown away with just how many midwives and doulas want to be apart of the Mumma.Co family since starting in August 2022. 

I mean...how EXCITING is that! 

We found that there was a niche in the market where midwives and doulas didn't have anywhere to point there clients when it came to recommending an amazing birth ball. So this is where we came in.  

Our birth ball AKA our Mumma Ball is midwife approved and used. Midwives and doulas know the importance of using a birth ball during pregnancy, labour and postpartum. There are SO many incredible benefits. And it really is a must have during pregnancy.

So to all our incredible midwives and doulas. If you would like to be apart of the Mumma.Co family and are looking to stock or reconmend an amazing birth ball then send us an email via mummacompa[email protected] because we would love to hear from you. 

Current midwives and doulas using our Mumma Ball:

Positive Birth Initiative 

Birth in Love 

Seasons of Mama

Jess the Midwife